Wills & Power of Attorney
Mortgage Store's qualified Will Instructors are on hand to help you with the process of writing a will, ensuring your wishes are carried out after you die.
We also act as introducers for Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA), ensuring that if you lose the ability to make decisions for yourself, an 'attorney' is given the power to make decisions for you (usually your spouse/partner). They will be able to control your finances, deal with accounts and pay bills.
If you do not have a valid will in place when you die, your money, property and assets will be shared out according to the law rather than your wishes. At Mortgage Store, We can help you with Will and LPA instructors provide friendly, straightforward, and transparent advice to make sure your Will is completed correctly. For Wills we act as introducers only.
Ensure your money, property & possessions go to the right people and causes
According to research by Royal London, YouGov, IRN Research and Orchard, approximately 54% of adults do not have a will, and 5.4 million adults do not know where to begin when it comes to writing a Will.
To help you understand the step you need to take, we've detailed a series of FAQs below, but should you wish to speak to us in person or over the phone about your requirements, please book your appointment here.
What if I haven't appointed a guardian for my children?
Without a guardian, the Court of Protection will decide what happens to your children under the age of 18, meaning it may not be the person you would have chosen yourself.
What happens to my assets and estate if there is
no will in place?
It is wrongly assumed that your nearest and dearest will automatically receive these assets. It can be a complicated and exhausting process to distribute assets, and it may not be to those you would choose. This process could take many years, potentially causing rifts between family members, especially where one party remembers being "promised" a particular heirloom. Your loved ones may also find it difficult and painful to understand your funeral arrangements and possibly organ donations. It is best to outline your wishes clearly with a Will.
How can Mortgage Store help?
We are here to listen to you, offering tailored advice to ensure your money goes to the people you want it to go to. Once you have written your Will, it is essential that your appointed executors (the persons you have assigned to carry out your wishes) know where to find it. We offer a lifetime Will safe-storage facility that removes all the worries about your Will being lost, whilst we charge a lot less than a high street solicitor.
Why is a Lasting Power of Attorney so important?
If you lose the ability (through illness or mental health) to make decisions for yourself, a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) is where you appoint someone (typically your spouse/partner) to make the decisions for you.
They will be able to control your finances by dealing with your bank accounts and investments whilst paying bills and living costs. An LPA is just as important as a Will because it is a document ready to be used, if necessary, when you are alive but incapable of making your own decisions.
Loss of capacity leads to bank accounts and investments being frozen – even those in joint names with your spouse/partner. If you do not have a lasting Power of Attorney, more families will battle with the Court of Protection to access your estate. Your family will have to apply to the Court of Protection, which is an extremely long, expensive and very stressful process, and in the meantime, living and other costs will need to be made. We know how unnerving writing a will or assigning an LPA can be, but we can utilise our decades of experience to simplify the process for you, making sure the right people inherit your wealth.
Register a lasting power of attorney (LPA)
For Will writing, we act as instructors only.
We act as introducers for Wills & Power of Attorney.
The FCA does not regulate Wills & Power of Attorney.